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There are not many straight answers to the question- "Does red light therapy work?" You have to understand how it works first to
determine if it will have the same efficacy for one particular condition/ailment, as it will work well for some, while it won't be that
effective with certain other conditions.
Light therapy is among the earliest recorded healing modalities. Solar therapy was first used by the Egyptians , and forms of light
therapy were also practiced by the ancient Greeks, Chinese and Indians.
There’s no question that light exerts biological effects: in fact, the body needs light to be healthy. Clinical studies are now
establishing how different wavelengths of light affect the body at a cellular level, the conditions that can be successfully treated
using light therapy, and the optimal conditions needed to absorb the benefits of light-based treatments.
Understanding Red Light Wavelengths
All light falls along a spectrum of wavelengths. The red and infrared light that falls within the wavelength range of 650-850 nm is
extremely beneficial and is regarded as deep penetrating healing light therapy and often referred to as the "therapeutic window."
These wavelengths of light are bioactive in humans and affect the function of our cells.
Red light emits wavelengths of between 620-700 nm. All red light wavelengths are effective and offer health benefits, although
certain wavelengths are more powerful than others--particularly those that fall between 630-680nm. Visible red light therapy uses
(within this range) include deep penetration into the skin, offering rejuvenating and balancing outcomes for a range of health
Sunlight includes a component of red light; it is this light wavelength that contributes to the enhanced sense of well-being we
experience after a few hours outdoors. Red light therapy devices, such as those offered by PlatinumLED Therapy Lights, harness
the regenerative healing capability of red light wavelengths, without the more problematic UVA and UVB light rays that can
cause skin cancer and premature aging.

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